Featured Property – Miami City Lifestyle

Featured Property

You can feature specific properties in pages and posts (using the Featured Property shortcode) or on sidebars (using the Featured Property widget). The first line is the property title. The second line is manually edited by you.

The hover effect color (green by default) is changed from Theme Options.

Next are some examples of how you can play with the shortcode. Featured property widget is showcased on the sidebar.[spacer height=”20″] [container_content title=”” border=””][featured_property id=”300″ sale_line=”featured sale – $3,000,000″][/featured_property][/container_content] [container_content title=”” border=”none”][featured_property id=”376″ sale_line=”new release – $4,000,000″][/featured_property][/container_content] [container_half position=”first” title=”” border=””][featured_property id=”343″ sale_line=”hot – $4,000/month”][/featured_property][/container_half][container_half position=”last” title=”” border=”none”][featured_property id=”44″ sale_line=”new – $3,000/month”][/featured_property][/container_half]