Google Maps – Miami City Lifestyle

Google Maps

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To use the Google Maps shortcode, follow these steps: go to, search for your location, click on the Icon named ‘link’ and copy the URL given in the shortcode. You may also change the map’s width and height in the shortcode. This is an example:[spacer height=”22″] [google_map link=”,+New+York,+NY,+United+States&hl=en&ll=40.798672,-73.951721&spn=0.035281,0.084543&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.735377,86.572266&oq=manhattan+&hnear=Manhattan,+New+York&t=m&z=14″ width=”700px” height=”480px”][/google_map] [/container_content]