Tagline – Miami City Lifestyle


WP Estate features 2 types for the Tagline shortcode available, both exemplified below. For each type you can add title, a second line and a link for the second line. Type 2 allows you to add an image on the left.[spacer height=”22″] [container_content title=”” border=””] [tagline_container type=”one” link=”http://wpestatetheme.org/” title=”WP Estate Responsive Theme” second_line=”buy it today!” iconlink=”only for type2″][/tagline_container][/container_content] [container_content title=”” border=””][tagline_container type=”two” link=”http://wpestatetheme.org/” title=”WP Estate Responsive Theme” second_line=”purchase it now!” iconlink=”http://wpestatetheme.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/image.png”][/tagline_container][/container_content]